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Sometimes, hard things happen. But God can take hard things—and make them beautiful. Using simple language and imagery, this lyrical picture book presents layers of Biblical truth that take the reader on a gentle journey of God’s promises—inspiring hope and faith in His good and redemptive plan.



When God Makes 
Scribbles Beautiful


Publisher: B&H Kids, 2024

Illustrator: Jennie Poh

ISBN-13: 9781087787664

Format: 32 page picture book

The Inspiration

"As a foster parent, I've seen a lot of brokenness. But I've also seen healing, growth, and joy. One day, I sat down and wrote out all the things I want my foster children to know--and it became this book." 


Free Printouts

Are you looking for helpful ways to talk with kids about loss and hardship? Find conversation starters on this Parent Connection printout.


Are you looking for a new scripture based resource? Help kids tuck truth inside their hearts with a set of printable Promise Cards.


“This is a powerful book of comfort and wisdom for little people who are experiencing hard times. The truth of God’s Word and the power of prayer come to life with Jennie’s masterful illustrations! I highly recommend this book!”

         —Fern Nichols, Founder of Moms in Prayer International

“They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but in this case, you absolutely should. In an economy of well-chosen words, author Kate Rietema reassures the reader of God's constant presence and care even when the 'scribbles' in life are hard to erase. Jennie Poh's evocative, gentle illustrations perfectly complement this thoughtful text. When God Makes Scribbles Beautiful is indeed, beautiful.” 

         —Glenys Nellist, author of the Love Letters from God series.

"Helping kids see that hard things in our lives don't mean God is absent is one of our greatest gifts to them, and this book does just that!"

         –Jamie Ivey, speaker, and host of The Happy Hour podcast

Available for Purchase

When God Makes Scribbles Beautiful is available from your local bookstore or from these retailers:

Scribbles Video

A Peek Inside! Click Image for Video

(Click here for volume)

All the Babies: A First Book About Adoption


All the Babies: A First Book About Adoption is a board book that celebrates adoption and how God makes every baby special. Readers will meet eleven babies who highlight aspects of being adopted that might make a child feel different from their siblings or peers. All the Babies uses fun language and simple sentences while laying a foundation for future conversations about adoption, diversity, and belonging. 


God made all babies different and special, and He made families different and special too!



"Children who are adopted at young ages should never remember the first time they found out they were adopted. Instead, the topic should be a normalized part of their story! This sweet book helps support grown-ups in talking about adoption in a way that even the littlest readers can relate to."


—Dr. Stephanie Grant, PhD, LPC, Infant Mental Health Specialist, and Founder of

Connected Development



​​​“This book shines a light on the power of family and on the profound truth that all children are deeply loved by God. It fills a void in a world where kids whose stories include foster care and adoption are not often recognized through something as simple as a children’s book. A must have on the bookshelves of families, churches, and educators.” 


—Keith Cureton, President & CEO Bethany Christian Services



“Scripture makes it abundantly clear that God has a heart for little ones – and particularly those who find themselves in need of a family. Adoption is the Lord’s loving provision for those precious children, and Kate Rietema’s beautiful book will help families teach their kids about this important principle.”


—Jim Daly, President – Focus on the Family



“This book beautifully reminds little ones of a deep-down truth: God made us delightfully distinct to distinctively belong. This book celebrates the preciousness of each child. Perhaps even more than that, All the Babies emanates a great "hurrah!" for the magnificent provision of love and loyalty God enfolds us in - our very own family, just as they are.” 


—Rachel Medefind, Director, Institute for Family-Centered Healing & Health, Christian Alliance for Orphans


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Free Printouts

Are you looking for helpful ways to talk with kids about adoption? Find conversation starters on this Parent Connection printout.

All the Babies_ColoringSheet2.jpg
All the Babies Video

A Peek Inside! Click Image for Video

(Click here for volume)

Available for Purchase

All the Babies: A First Book About Adoption is available by request at your local Christian bookstore, or from these online retailers:


Product Details


Publisher: B&H Kids, 2024

Illustrator: Judi Abbot

ISBN-13: 9781430095408

Format: 18 page board book 

Age Range: 0-5 years


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© 2024 Kate Rietema. All rights reserved.


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